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Live performance for theaters / 70 min

tonight is one of the most frequently used words in pop music,  and probably the most powerful. When this word is heard, or sung along to and out loud - a sense can open up that tonight, for real, something momentous might occur. It might take the shape of a romantic event or a total revolution. But either way, this extraordinary event will bring with it a radical transformation of your life as you have lived it up til now.
As a lyric, tonight functions as a powerful talisman or portal to an alternate time and place. As a performance, TONIGHT critically explores the potency of this popularly shared poetic of the tonight space. It looks at tonight as a complicated tension between being place of queer becoming – where we imagine and stage other possibilities of ourselves – and a vehicle of exploitation of desire via the pop machine. tonight is the sensual world. tonight is the promise of an imminent magic moment - the ancient Greek notion of Kairos. tonight is an uncontainable temporality, a sticky speculation of desire that spills over. It is an act of cultural edging that is both a sanctuary for rehearsing our ideal selves and a cruel fiction running on an engine of nostalgia for a space and time that is yet to be.
TONIGHT explores the pleasures and perils of the erotics, the poetics, and the politics of a shared pop imaginary of exquisite anticipation.
Forever's gonna start tonight...

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